Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekly Chase #2

If you haven't check out what this whole Weekly Chase thing is all about you should really head over to Live, Love, Run and check it out. It is an amazing way to keep yourself accountable, and who doesn't love having goals they can check off at the end of the week?

I started this last week and it was so nice to have specific goals set. It was also extremely helpful to have them posted on here, I hated the idea of letting all of you down! I made 3 goals for last week, a mileage goal, a strength goal, and a daily life goal.

1. Mileage goal- Run at least 15 miles. I DID IT!!! Last week I ran 20.18 miles. Not bad if I do say so myself. ;)

2. Strength Goal- Go to Bodypump 2x during the week. Done. 

3. Daily Life Goal- Finish my pre-vacation check list. I got my list mostly done. I did all the important things done lol

I am on vacation this week, but I still plan on making and COMPLETING some goals. Here are this weeks goal:

1. Mileage Goal- Since I am on vacation I am going to keep this goal at 15 miles.

2. Strength Goal- Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" 2x

3. Daily Life Goal- Enjoy my vacation and see everyone I have planned on seeing. 


  1. I love your #3.. I think a lot of times when setting goals or going about life we forget how important it is to HAVE fun and enjoy life.. and especially enjoy those friends and family that we don't get to see too often and that mean so much to us.

  2. Great job on your goals last week!!! Awesome that you conquered them all! Have a great vacation!!!

  3. These are some awesome goals for vacation and since you did great last week I know you can do it again this week!

  4. Enjoy your vacation! It's such a special time!

  5. Have a great week on vacation and good luck with your goals!

  6. awesome job completing your goals! keep up the great work! SPA love!
